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Dating Software: A Complete Guide to Installing and Launching the Dating Pro Website and Platform | PG Dating Pro Help Center
Dating Software: A Complete Guide to Installing and Launching the Dating Pro Website and Platform | PG Dating Pro Help Center

Installation instructions. Pre-launch checklist. System requirements.

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over 2 months ago

Searching the best dating software? Compare dating software yourself: A complete guide to choosing dating platform software (2025).

What is dating software

Dating software aims at helping people find romantic relationships. This app has traditionally been used in dating and is accessible via web browser or app. Functions for dating software. Dating software has features like profile creation, message, match making algorithms aimed at finding compatible partners. Other dating applications include online and offline chat, and interactive features that help users interact with each other.

It is crucial to safeguard a client's idea through legal measures such as NDAs, ensuring confidentiality and protecting intellectual property throughout the development process.

Why are dating services so useful?

Everything you need to start your successful Dating business!

We know the best methods for developing profitable dating websites.

Are there any dating websites? Find a good dating software. It is possible to develop a dating site from scratch.

Overview of Dating platform capabilities

Web platform:

Mobile applications (iOS/Android):

Telegram bot

  • This is the Dating Pro mobile applications transferred to the Telegram bot.

  • We connect third-party applications through the API, for example, those written in chatbot constructors.

VR version

  • Through web browsers.

System requirements

  • PHP 7.2 - 8.3

    • Required extensions: gd2, iconv, mbstring, PDO/mysqli/mysql, XML

    • ionCube PHP Loader v.5+

    • mod_rewrite and .htaccess support

    • Cronjobs/scheduler support

    • shell_exec enabled

    • ffmpeg utility (for video features)

  • MySQL 5.1 or higher

  • Web servers:

    • Apache (recommended)

    • Nginx (extra setup required):

      • nginxCopyproxy_buffers 8 16k;

      • proxy_buffer_size 32k;

    • IIS (extra setup required)​

  • Disk space: 50+ GB (with 20,000 profiles)

  • Requirements to support a large user base

    If you plan to import a database of profiles from your previous website, calculate the size of all files. To avoid reaching a limit on the disc space or allowed number of files, consider going for a virtual private server (VPS) as well. See, for example, GoDaddy, Hetzner or DigitalOcean. The required space will be your database size plus a minimum of 20GB for the website to work properly.

    With VPS, you will be able to expand easily as your database grows.

  • We use following JS libraries:

    "babel-runtime": "^6.26.0",
    "intl-tel-input": "^17.0.19",
    "@babel/core": "^7.12.10",
    "@babel/preset-env": "^7.12.11",
    "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free": "^5.15.2",
    "babel-loader": "^8.2.2",
    "bootstrap": "^3.4.1",
    "clean-webpack-plugin": "^3.0.0",
    "css-loader": "^5.0.1",
    "file-loader": "^6.2.0",
    "html-webpack-plugin": "^4.5.1",
    "image-minimizer-webpack-plugin": "^3.6.1",
    "imagemin": "^8.0.1",
    "jquery": "^3.5.1",
    "jquery-pjax": "^2.0.1",
    "jquery-ui": "^1.12.1",
    "jquery-ui-dist": "^1.12.1",
    "lazysizes": "^5.3.0",
    "mini-css-extract-plugin": "^1.3.4",
    "path": "^0.12.7",
    "sass": "^1.32.5",
    "sass-loader": "^10.1.1",
    "script-loader": "^0.7.2",
    "style-loader": "^2.0.0",
    "twig": "^1.15.4",
    "url-loader": "^4.1.1",
    "webpack": "^5.18.0",
    "webpack-assets-manifest": "^5.0.1",
    "webpack-cli": "^4.8.0"

  • In the product templates are saved in twig format and broken down by site modules. In fact, 1 template = 1 page, not counting the header and footer.

    You can unload a list of these files and see the number. The twig engine is used to generate the pages. The product itself is built according to MVC architecture, all templates are divided by modules and stored in folders views.

  • Web browsers

    For optimal system performance, it is recommended to use the latest versions of the following web browsers: Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox.​

Platform architecture

API and integrations

API description for the Dating Pro Mobile apps

Android & iOS app

You will be able to provide premium features to your users through Dating Android Apps and PWA Apps that elevate the user experience to a higher level.

Get the best online dating app for mobile users. Our designers create a personalized dating app that reflects your personality and brand identity. Choose a member for the meeting at home Mobiles. Chat with others in the group. Find users using personalized searches according to their preferences. Find people in close proximity. Find trending profile profiles with most Friends, Family Friends, Favorites and Messages. Upgrade your membership plan on mobile. Pick a member to meet on mobile. Talks in private.

Android app

The libraries used can be found in build.gradle

The structure is the usual android project

In the activities folder is a list of activities and fragments for screen processing. Not grouped by modules, just a general list

A BaseActivity is inherited by most of the other actives. This is where the toolbar, navigation menu, and banner ads are handled,

The rest of the other activities inherit directly from AppCompatActivity

The adapters folder contains the data adapters used in the lists

In the api classes for working with api datingpro. ApiClient - call handling. UsersApiClient etc. - List of supported requests to the backend

The events are simply the event classes for the EventBus. When starting an Activity, it's possible to subscribe to the events, e.g. to update the texts.

In the helpers various helper classes

NavigationHelper to navigate between the activities,

AuthUser - object of the current authorized user;

SettingsHelper - various settings, database - saving part of the data to the sqlite database, mainly related to the chat - list of contacts, messages, attachments;

backend - application periodically sends request to the server to fetch new data. Depending on what screen is currently displayed, actions can be added and removed from BackendManager, timeout between requests can be set;

NotificationManager - displaying messages in a snackbar or as a toast;

dialogs - classes for generating dialogs;

fieldeditor - processing custom fields;

utils - helper functions;

widgets - custom views.

models folder - data model classes

services - service for processing messages from FirebaseMessaging, service for cancelling video call when external call notification is displayed.

videochat - peerjs video chat

res - resources

In config.xml you specify the host from datingpro, the name of the app, different settings for login via facebook, google, api-card, etc.

In xml/preferences.xml - items for the settings screen

iOS app

CocoaPods library manager is used. The list can be viewed in the Podfile. Screens are represented in Storyboards, UIViewControllers in Controllers. UIViews are few, they are in Views.

The structure is as follows

Api - as in android: ApiClient - call handling. UsersApiClient etc. - List of supported backend requests.

Constants - list of texts

Database - database sqlite file

Helpers - as in android.

Layouts - classes for tables, collections

Models - the same as in android

PeerClient - classes for video chat peerjs

Configuration.swift - host with datingpro, different settings


Each plan comes with a PWA (Progressive Web App) as an alternative to Native and Flutter mobile apps.


Described in the plans here


What is the maximum online user load?

  • 150 concurrent requests (basic server)

  • Recommended: 8+ GB RAM

  • SSD storage

  • Dedicated server for high loads


What is the maximum online load in chats?

Message retrieval through backend polling with a one-second timeout.

Is horizontal scalability built-in?

It's not in the scripts; however, a server can utilize load balancing and replication.

Is there logging of user behavior such as heat maps, crash logs, fault tolerance, and backend self-healing?

Integration with Firebase.

Customer Support and Community Building

Dating Pro offers a range of tools and features to help you build a strong and supportive community on your dating site. These include:

  • Experienced Customer Support Team: Our team of experienced customer support agents is available to answer questions and resolve issues, ensuring a smooth experience for your users.

  • Community-Building Features: Foster a sense of community with features like forums, chat rooms, and social media groups. These tools help users connect and engage with each other.

  • Review System: Allow users to rate and review potential matches, providing valuable feedback and helping others make informed decisions.

  • Spam and Abuse Management: Implement a system for reporting and managing spam or abuse on the site. This helps maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users.

  • Content and Promotion Ideas: Get inspired with a range of examples and ideas for creating engaging content and promoting your site on social media. These strategies can help attract and retain users.

Step-by-step launch instructions

Compare dating software packages and reviews

Are you looking for some dating apps Below is a list of dating software packages that are compatible with dating software from us.

Key Features of Dating Pro for Your Dating Site

Dating Pro offers a range of key features to help you create a successful and profitable dating site. These features include:

  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and find potential matches. This intuitive design ensures a hassle-free experience for your users.

  • Robust Matching Algorithm: Our advanced matching algorithm recommends compatible matches based on user preferences and interests, increasing the chances of successful connections.

  • Customizable Design: Tailor your site to your specific niche or brand with our customizable design options. Whether you want a sleek, modern look or something more traditional, Dating Pro can be customized to fit your vision perfectly.

  • Multiple Payment and Revenue Streams: Monetize your site with various payment options, including subscription-based models and in-app purchases. This flexibility allows you to choose the best revenue streams for your business.

  • Advanced Security Features: Protect user data and prevent spam and abuse with our advanced security features. We prioritize the safety and privacy of your users, ensuring a secure environment for online dating.

  • Regular Updates and Maintenance: Keep your site up-to-date and running smoothly with regular updates and maintenance. Our team ensures that your platform remains current with the latest features and security enhancements.

Preparation for launch (2-3 hours)

Pre-Installation. Required Information

  1. Order confirmation call (required for first purchase)

  2. Server requirements verification during installation on your server. If you are using Dating Pro hosting, you can skip this step as everything is preconfigured.

    1. FTP access details on your server:

      1. Host

      2. Login

      3. Password

    2. Control panel access or database details

    3. Installation preferences

  3. Access to your payment system, or you can connect it yourself.

  4. Domain name for installation

Choosing a domain and hosting

To build a website you will need both a domain name and web hosting account. Web hosting and domain hosting are two different services. For the full operation of the site, you need both of them, ordered and paid separately.

A domain is the name of a website on the Internet.

The main task of a domain is to direct site visitors to the IP address of the server where the site is hosted. When you enter a domain name in the browser address bar, the browser uses the DNS system to convert the domain name into the IP address of the server, after which it uses the received IP address directly to the server - sends a request and receives a response to it. The response to the request may be site pages, images, or other data.

The domain is also responsible for mail servers to accept incoming email, and can be used for other purposes, such as confirming ownership of a domain or a website.

If you want to cover different audiences, geographical locations and niches by launching different domains, then you need to use Multi domain service.

Firstly, we need the following:

  • a registered domain name you'll be using for your site;

  • access to your domain registrar account to link it to our server.

Alternatively, you can link the domain yourself by changing the DNS (domain nameservers) to the following:


Can I use my own domain name?


Installing the platform

1. Download the ZIP archive with the software files from the link that we’ve sent you.
Upload the archive to your server and decompress it there. Mind the available server space.

Alternatively, you can unpack the archive on your local computer and upload the files to the server. Any FTP client will do.

Note 1: Make sure to use Binary transfer mode during upload.

Note 2: If you decide to upload the decompressed archive, check for hidden files and folders. They all need to go to your server.

2. Create an empty MySQL database and add a user to this database. Database user should have full rights because the script will use this user’s parameters to populate the database with tables and data.

​Note: We recommend making a backup copy of your website database at least once a month, to be on the safe side.

3. Set 0777 permissions to following directories:





* means recurse into subdirectories and apply to directories

Note: You will also be prompted to change file permissions to files /application/config/install.php, /config.php along the way. Click ‘Refresh’ when you are done to update the info.

4. Go to (where is your domain name connected to the server). You will be taken to the installation page.

5. Read the license agreement and click ‘I agree’ if you agree.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

6. Indicate your FTP access details (host, user and password) and click ‘Next’ to continue.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

7. The next step is to indicate database access details. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

8. Next comes language's installation. You can select default language here. At least one language version is required.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

9. The system will start the installation. You will be asked to indicate your order number. If you are not sure about it, contact us in the chat or email. Please also read this manual on where to find the order key for your dating site.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

10. Fill out the administrator details. It will be your future login and password to authorize on the site, plus your name and email that will be used for correspondence with site members.

You will be able to edit this information at any later point. If you lose the password, you will be able to restore it: how to restore the administrator password.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

11. Add SMTP server details.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

12. Choose countries and regions.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

13. Sit back and enjoy while the script completes the installation.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

14. Finally, you will be asked to set up a cron file.

Dating Pro Script installation guide

Make sure to indicate the correct path to PHP. On our test server, it is


Contact your server administrator to find out the path on your server.

Click ‘Finish’. Your dating site is installed and ready to be configured.



Purpose: Configuration file for module installation.

Key Configuration Keys:




Indicates readiness for module installation.


Username for the installation section.


Password for the installation section.


FTP host name.


Path to product files via FTP.


FTP account username.


FTP account password.


Restricts installation section access by IP.


List of IPs allowed to access the section.

How to deploy the server.

nginx + php + mysql

File requires ionCube PHP Loader:

It means that the script files are encoded. Install ionCube PHP Loader v4.0.12 or above on your server.

Blank page

Switch on the error display in file config.php in the site root directory:


define(“DISPLAY_ERRORS”, false);


define(“DISPLAY_ERRORS”, true);

Next, analyze the error message.

Installation stops and does not resume OR The requested URL … was not found on this server

In file /application/config/config.php find URI PROTOCOL and in line

$config[‘uri_protocol’] = ‘AUTO’;

try replacing ‘AUTO’ with one of the other options: PATH_INFO, QUERY_STRING, REQUEST_URI, ORIG_PATH_INFO.

Cannot connect to host: Access denied for user ‘username’@’host’ (using password: YES)

Check if the host is available. The error may also have to do with the mistyped db name, db user, and password.

The page opens with the message ‘No input file specified’:

  • Create a backup copy of the file .htaccess in the root directory.

  • Try editing .htaccess file by commenting all lines except the line with RewriteRule so that it looks like this:

  • RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1? [L,QSA]

  • In file /application/config/config.php replace ‘AUTO’ with ‘REQUEST_URI’ in line:

    $config[‘uri_protocol’] = ‘REQUEST_URI’;

Configuring cronjob via SSH

  1. Login to the server via SSH

  2. Enter the command: crontab -e
    A text editor will open.

  3. The time is specified manually. Instead of an asterisk *, all possible values ​​for each position are substituted.
    There are usually five positions:
    Minute | Hour | Day | Month | Weekday

  4. After filling in the time value, you need to specify the command.

  5. Scheduler example:
    */10 * * * * php ~/crons/cron.php >> ~/cronlog.log ~/cronerr.err
    This cronjob will run every 10 minutes.

  6. Enter the following command to save the changes:
    control-key o

  7. Enter the command to exit the editor:
    control key x

  8. You will see the status in the console :
    crontab: installing new crontab

  9. Finish.

How can I install Dating Pro on my local server?

Installing a software product on a local server may be a good temporary solution if you have not yet acquired a hosting account, or if you plan to customize your site before going live, or just don’t have an internet connection that is reliable enough.

To install and run a PHP/MySQL script (such as PG Dating Pro) on your local computer, you need to set up a PHP development environment first. Install and configure the Web server, the PHP engine, and the MySQL database server separately, or you can use one of the ready AMP packages, AMP standing for Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

Provided that you use Windows OS, you may get interested in one of the following AMP packages: XAMPP, or WampServer.

This video gives an instruction on how to install XAMPP:

This is a tutorial on how to install WampServer:

​After you are done installing the local server, proceed by downloading the product files as a ZIP archive to your computer and unpacking them into the destination folder (usually it is ‘www’). Then you will be able to start the product installation in your browser following the regular instructions.

Let us know if you have any questions, we’ll be glad to assist.

How can I install a module/add-on?

This is an instruction on how to install modules (add-ons) on your dating website.

1. You will have received a personal link from our Customer Service team to download the add-on files.

2. Download the archive with the files and unpack it.

3. Upload the contents of the archive on your FTP server, into the root directory of the site.

Overwrite the files and directories if prompted to.


4. Go to the administration panel of your site > Modules > Modules management (/admin/start/mod_login/).

You will find the login and password for this section in file /application/config/install.php on your server, lines 4 and 5:

$config[“install_login”] = “login”;

$config[“install_password”] = “password”;

5. Once inside, go to ‘Enable modules’ section (/admin/install/enable_modules) and click ‘Install’ to install the corresponding add-on.​


6. Click ‘Finish’, and you are done.



a) Installed add-ons are listed in section ‘Installed modules’ (/admin/install/modules).

b) You can disable any add-on by deleting it from the list. You will be able to enable it again at any later time.

c) Please note that you will not be able to delete a module that other modules depend upon. Read more on that in the article Modules : Modules management.

How much does it cost to install a module/add-on?

Installation of a ready module/add-on is free of charge.

If you would like to create a new module, according to the specification you provide, extra costs will apply. Please contact to receive a free estimate.

The received files for the old version are missing files, and I see a blank screen

Answer: Files may be missing if the archive was extracted in the cPanel file manager and hidden files were not displayed. In this case, files like `.env` and `.htaccess` might be lost during copying.

A blank page can be due to various reasons. You need to enable error reporting in the `config.php` file and possibly also on the server if it is turned off there.

Please send access details, and I will check what the issue might be.

Connecting SSL

Platform configuration (1 day)

Configuring basic parameters (1 day)

🎯 Basic сhecklist. Installation of add-ons according to the purchased plan

The features are grouped by Dating service sales funnel

1️⃣ Find people to date

  • If necessary, create new fields in user profile and in search form (advanced search): System > Field editor > Fields ( and Search forms (

  • Your profiles have been loaded.

2️⃣ Customize your service

  • You have received: Cpanel and hosting access. SLA 1-4 support are included.

  • Main languages added.

  • Country/city database installed.

  • Set up moderation rules for matches, new members, comments, text messages, and uploads under Moderation > Moderation settings ( Create moderator account(s) under Administrators > Add moderator (

  • Set up the site currency: Payments > Settings (

  • Memberships (free/premium) are set up.

  • To activate other paid options that you will use and to set the prices, go to Orders > Services (

  • Activate payment gateways on the site with your merchant accounts. Go to Orders > Billing systems (

    • Test payments are successful.

    • Setting Up a Cron Job to Remove Stuck/Unpaid Payments in the Admin Panel.

3️⃣ Bring in customers

  • Upload new site logo and favicon

  • Gamification through Bonuses - Create your own loyalty program.

  • Check SEO meta-tags (title, keywords, description) and other settings. Once you authorize in admin panel, go to System > SEO settings > choose Global settings > User mode (admin/seo/default_edit/user) and SEO advanced settings (

  • Edit site texts including welcome message on the main page. Go to System > Languages > Pages ( > select ‘start (User and Admin index pages)’ or use the Search box to find the text string you are about to change.

  • Edit background picture for the main landing page.

  • Edit color scheme of your site: System > Themes > select active user mode theme and click ‘Edit colours' (e.g.

  • Replace links to demo mobile apps to yours both in the admin panel and on the main page of your site. In the admin panel, go to Dating channels > Apps (

  • We offer paid Android and iOS apps submission service for Dating Pro plans.

4️⃣ Find date

  • Basic email templates have been edited.

  • Create a mailbox or several mailboxes with your site domain on your hosting control panel.

  • Activate social widgets (like, share, social sign on): System > Social networks (

  • The specified types of notifications are set up, for example: match > Engage

  • Go to Customers > Settings ( and mark ‘approve users’ as a paid service if you want to make registration cost a fee.

  • Create and activate RSS feeds for: News: System > News > Feeds (

  • Change FROM email address for the email notifications that site members will receive. In the admin panel, go to System > Mail alerts > Settings (

5️⃣ 5 More matches 6 First message 7 Communication

Fine-tuning the Dating Pro platform. Customization

Didn't find what you were looking for?

For simplicity, we’ve organized all the features included in the platform into a comparison table. Plans and their included functions. When you get started, follow the <Read more> links in the feature descriptions. Some of them contain a Setup section that needs to be completed during the initial setup or first installation.

In the platform's admin panel, the functions are arranged in the same way as in the Dating funnels.

Integrating analytics

Basic Metrics for Tracking


  • Number of registrations

  • Profile completion rate

  • Traffic sources


  • DAU/MAU (Daily Active Users / Monthly Active Users)

  • Sessions

  • Page depth


  • Likes/Matches

  • Messages

  • Time spent in the app

Testing. Pre-Launch Final Checklist

  • Admin passwords changed

  • User verification setup

  • Content moderation rules set

  • Registration working

  • Search functionality tested

  • Messaging system operational

  • Payment processing verified

    • Multiple gateway support

    1. Subscription management

    2. Virtual currency system

    3. In-app purchases

    4. Premium services configuration

      • Dating Pro could not be an excellent dating tool for a successful online dating business without the UI features and monetization features. In order for the dating script owner to effectively use microtransactions in the app we continuously innovate. Send a Gift Give monetary gifts in exchange for monetary compensation and personal notes for the relationship and to develop personalised contacts with the recipient.

    5. Membership levels

    6. Virtual gifts

    7. Premium visibility options

    8. Boost features

    9. Special access permissions

  • Profile creation tested

  • Photo upload working

  • Matching system configured

  • Load testing completed

  • SEO settings configured

  • Analytics tracking setup

  • Social integration tested

    • Social login (Facebook, Google)

    1. Social sharing widgets

    2. Social profile import

  • Payment systems verified

  • Email deliverability confirmed

    • Newsletter system

    • Automated campaigns

    • Template management

    • Mailing list segmentation

    • Delivery monitoring

  • Mobile responsiveness checked

  • Cross-browser testing done

  • Demo data cleaned/prepared

  • Domain and SSL final check

  • Legal compliance verified

  • Monitoring

    • Server performance

    • User behavior

    • Error tracking

    • Resource usage

  • Security

    • DDoS protection

    • Regular security audits

    • Data encryption

    • User verification systems

  • Performance

    • CDN integration

    • Database optimization

    • Caching implementation

    • Load balancing setup

Best practices and case studies

From 0 to 1,000 users in 2 months

We launched a niche dating site for yoga enthusiasts in Canada. Key success factors:

  • Defined a clear niche and target audience

  • Used targeted advertising on Instagram

  • Started a partnership program with yoga studios

  • Achieved organic growth through word of mouth Investment: $2,000. Result: 1,200 users, 180 of whom are paying.

First $1,000 in 14 days as a Quick Start Strategy:

  1. Launch with a minimal set of features

  2. Focus on one traffic channel (Google Ads)

  3. Simple monetization model (basic subscription $29.99)

  4. Active engagement with the first users Advertising budget: $500. Revenue: $1,043. ROI: 108%

Niche dating for IT professionals project features:

  • Target audience: IT specialists aged 25-45

  • Integration with LinkedIn for verification

  • Advanced matching algorithm based on skills

  • Premium positioning ($49.99/month) Result in 3 months: 3,000+ registrations, $15K MRR

ROI calculations basic formula for success:

Revenue = (Number of users × Conversion to paying users × Average check) - Costs Typical indicators: - Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): $2-5 - Conversion to paying users: 3-7% - Average check: $29-49 - Lifetime Value (LTV): $150-300

Typical mistakes and their solutions

Marketing mistakes

  1. Vague positioning. Solution: Choose a specific niche and unique selling proposition.

  2. Inefficient use of advertising budget. Solution: Start with small tests ($10-20/day) and scale up working channels.

  3. Ignoring organic traffic. Solution: Invest in SEO and content marketing from day one.

  4. Lack of resources for traffic. Solution: Find partners with traffic. Identify the target audience. Tailor the service to them.

Monetization problems

  1. Prices too low/high. Solution: Study competitors and use A/B testing.

  2. Complicated pricing system. Solution: Start with 1-3 simple plans.

  3. Lack of value in paid features. Solution: Add real benefits for paying users.

Resources and Support

Technical documentation



Unlock the secrets to a profitable dating niche for $99!

📢 Unlock the secrets to a profitable dating niche for $99!

Looking to launch your online dating platform but unsure how to pick the right niche? Our dating niches navigator 2025 is a personalized guide designed to set you on the path to success by helping you choose the most profitable and scalable niche.

What you’ll get:

✅ Analysis of 20+ profitable dating niches

  • Market size and trends.

  • Target audience profiles.

  • Average revenue per user.

  • Customer acquisition costs.

  • Key competitors.

✅ Step-by-step launch plan

  • Budget estimates for a smooth start.

  • Resource planning checklist.

  • Stage-by-stage timeline.

  • ROI projections.

✅ 90-Day marketing plan

  • User acquisition channels.

  • Ready-to-use ad strategies.

  • Moderation scripts.

  • Monetization and KPI tracking.

💡 Why only $99?

  • This guide uses automated insights from your project questionnaire, ensuring personalized, data-driven recommendations. Save time on research, reduce risks, and confidently move forward with your launch.

  • If you are not satisfied within 7 days, we will refund your money.

How It works:

  • Fill out our project survey.

  • Pay $99.

  • Receive your personalized guide within 2 days.

  • Consult with an expert.

  • Start building your platform.

Let me know if you’d like further adjustments by replying to this email to request the questionnaire!

Payment and Revenue Streams for Your Dating Business

Dating Pro offers a range of payment and revenue streams to help you monetize your dating site effectively. These include:

  • Subscription-Based Models: Allow users to pay for premium features or access to exclusive content through subscription-based models. This steady revenue stream can significantly boost your earnings.

  • In-App Purchases: Offer users the option to buy virtual gifts or other digital items within the app. In-app purchases provide an additional revenue stream and enhance user engagement.

  • Advertising Revenue: Display ads on your site and earn money from clicks or impressions. This is a great way to generate passive income while providing value to your users.

  • Affiliate Marketing Programs: Earn commissions from sales or referrals through affiliate marketing programs. Partner with relevant brands and services to create a mutually beneficial relationship.

  • Cash Bonus Program: Reward users for referring friends or completing certain tasks on the site with a cash bonus program. This incentivizes user activity and helps grow your user base.


We would be glad if you could add any errors to the following lists

What’s the difference between CodeIgniter and WordPress for Dating projects?: Pros and Cons

CodeIgniter is ideal for those who want flexibility, high performance, and control over their project, and are willing to invest in development, especially for large-scale solutions.

WordPress** is better suited for small to medium businesses where quick deployment, ease of use, and access to ready-made solutions are important.

CodeIgniter (PHP Framework)


1. **Flexibility and Control**: CodeIgniter offers complete freedom in development, allowing you to create dating solutions from scratch and customize everything to meet your needs.

2. **High Performance**: CodeIgniter is known for being lightweight and fast, which can be crucial for large-scale dating platforms.

3. **Security**: With CodeIgniter, you have full control over the code, making it less vulnerable to common security issues if managed properly.

4. **Great for Large Projects**: If you need a scalable solution, CodeIgniter provides the flexibility to adapt to future changes and the growth of your project.


1. **Challenging for Beginners**: CodeIgniter requires solid PHP knowledge and programming skills, making it harder for newcomers.

2. **Fewer Ready-made Solutions**: Unlike WordPress, there are fewer ready-made plugins or themes, so much of the work needs to be developed from scratch.

3. **Longer Implementation Time**: Developing a dating platform on CodeIgniter takes more time and effort compared to WordPress, where many tools are readily available.

WordPress (Content Management System)


1. **Ease of Use**: WordPress is easy to set up and configure, especially with the WooCommerce plugin, allowing you to quickly launch a dating site without deep technical knowledge.

2. **Large Number of Plugins and Themes**: There is a vast selection of ready-made solutions, including themes and plugins, which significantly speeds up development.

3. **Community and Support**: A huge community of developers, forums, and documentation is available to help you find solutions or get assistance.


1. **Limited Flexibility**: WordPress has structural limitations, and if you plan to heavily customize the site, it can become a challenge.

2. **Performance and Load**: WordPress can be slower, especially with a large number of plugins, if not properly optimized.

3. **Security**: WordPress’s popularity makes it a frequent target for hackers, especially if outdated plugins or themes are used.

4. **Scalability Challenges**: For large projects and complex dating sites, WordPress may become less efficient, requiring more resources to scale.

Conclusion and Next Steps

If you’re looking to create a profitable and successful dating site, Dating Pro is a great choice. With its range of key features, payment and revenue streams, customer support and community-building tools, and security and updates, it has everything you need to get started. Whether you’re looking to create a free dating site or a premium subscription-based model, Dating Pro has the flexibility and customization options to meet your needs. So why wait? Sign up for Dating Pro today and start building your perfect dating site!

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