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System : Field editor

How to edit user profile, edit the Profile options

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over 7 months ago

The purpose of the field editor is to let you manage profile questions and search parameters.


  1. Open the YouTube video you want to watch.

  2. Locate the playback bar at the bottom of the video player.

  3. Click and drag the red slider on the playback bar to the 1 minute 49 second mark.

  4. Alternatively, you can click on the timestamp that displays the current playback time. A small menu will appear, allowing you to enter a specific time. Enter "1:49" and press Enter.

Live demo website

To get to the Field editor section, go to > View demos > Dating Pro control panel > Services > Customize you service > System > Field editor (/admin/field_editor/).

1. Sections

Sections are used to separate the groups of fields. For example, we created two sample sections, About me and Interests.


This is how they look like in the user mode in someone’s profile, default view:


In the magazine-style profile view, there is no visible division between the sections. Their fields are simply stacked:

PG Dating Pro: Ask your users any questions

You can add more sections by clicking Add new section.


Keyword: system parameter of how the system will define the section inside the script.
Name: this is how the section will be presented to the users.

2. Fields


As you create a new field (or a new profile question), you assign it to one of the existing profile sections. Choose which section to assign the question to from the dropdown menu:


Click Add new field to add a new field to the currently selected section.


Keyword: generated by the system each time you add a new field.
Section: pre-selected from the previous page.
Field type: manages how the field will look like.
Name: how the field will be displayed to the users.
Use in fulltext search: defines whether the answers in this field can be used to search users by keyword.

After creating a new field, click Edit to manage additional parameters.

Note: Available parameters depend upon the field type. Here is an example of select field type:


Here you can edit addtional settings like field output type, “…” option and the options themselves.

Select the desired field output type. The available types depend upon the main field type. Toggle Add “…” option if you wish to have a blank option for this field.


Click Add new option to add a new answer variant that will be displayed within the field.

Note 2: We recommend limiting the number of fields (or profile questions) in a section to 10-15 fields, and the number of options in a field to a maximum of 18-20 options.

3. Forms

You can add the fields you created to the search forms of the website where they will function as filters.


Click Form fields to go to the editing. Let’s take a look at the standard search form.


Click Add field into form and choose the section you want to select from.


Then choose a field from this section.


Let’s add Hair field to the search form and see what happens.


Here is the standard view of the search form:

PG Dating Pro: Extended search filters

After adding the new field to the form, More options button will appear:

PG Dating Pro: Extended search filters

Click it to expand the form and see the added filter:

PG Dating Pro: Extended search filters

Click Less options to fold it back to the previous state.

Note 3: Make sure to complete creating new fields and adding them to the profile and to the search form before launching your website. In order for the search filters to return results, people need to fill in this information in their profile first, so it is best to have it all covered before launch.


What is the cost of adding a customizable multiple-choice field (where users can select multiple options) to the ready-made application you sell?

You don’t need to pay extra as it will be implemented in the platform’s control panel. Fields can be modified in the control panel and will appear on both the website and the app.

After the applications are published, you can use the same field editor to modify fields in forms or searches.

If you have custom requests for changes in the field editor, the estimate is:

1. From 20 minutes to several hours.

2. Plus the time required to republish the application, such as 4 hours for Google Play.

Hourly rates range from $20 to $69 per hour.

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