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System : SEO settings

Get acquainted with the Search Engine optimization settings of the Dating Pro script

Yanar avatar
Written by Yanar
Updated over 2 months ago

SEO Settings

  • Meta tags management

  • XML sitemaps

  • Robots.txt configuration

  • URI structure optimization

  • Landing pages SEO


SEO stands for search engine optimization and is very important in making your site more attractive and reliable for the search engines so that it can appear higher in search results. Find out more information about dating site promotion and marketing campaigns.

In administration panel > Services > Customize your service > System > SEO settings there are 2 tabs:

Admin panel: SEO settings

1. Global settings

Global settings section will let you edit default values for all the script modules that have no SEO settings of their own (and that are missing in section 2 ‘Module settings’).

There are two parts here:

Both admin mode (/admin/seo/default_edit/admin) and user mode (/admin/seo/default_edit/user) settings include the following options:

  • Metadata

Title. Title stands for the information that is displayed on top of the browser window. It can be page name or name of the menu item etc.

Keywords (meta tag). Insert the words and short phrases here that best describe the contents of the page/website.

Description (meta tag). This field contains short description of the page. This is the information that can be displayed in search results page of a search engine.
 It is possible to edit metadata in all available site languages.

  • Open Graph data

Open Graph protocol lets you determine certain parameters for your website pages that can be used by social networks, Facebook in particular. You will be able to manage the way your site page is shown in the news feed any time someone ‘likes’ or ‘shares’ the page.

og:title – object title as shown in the network, e.g.
og:type – the type of your object (article, website, book, profile, etc.). For more details check the documentation.
og:image – link to image that conveys the main idea of the entry. Image from third party websites can be used, e.g.:

og:description – one or two sentences that describe your object. By default Facebook collects the information from Description (meta tag). Recommended length: max 150 symbols, e.g. <meta property=”og:description” content=”The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.”>

Some of the parameters are collected automatically, for example image or site URL.

In the admin panel of Dating Pro you can indicate og:title, og:type, og:description. Multiple languages are supported here as well.

  • Place language code in URL

If you activate this setting, your site links will look like this:

http: // < your_site_domain > / < lang_code > / < request >

For example:

It makes sense to place language code in URLs if you want different language versions of your site to have separate links.

Additionally, you can elect to not index language versions separately.

If you activate this setting, all language versions of a page will be considered duplicate pages. It means that the search engine crawler will regard the content on all pages versions as identical and will only index the page in the main site language.

The above information refers to the admin mode entirely; however there are extra settings that can be adjusted further for the user mode. Please see below.

2. SEO advanced settings

SEO advances settings tab contains 4 separate sections:

Admin panel: SEO settings

2.1. List of module links

Module settings section gives an opportunity to edit SEO settings for each particular module that is available in the drop-down menu. Whether a module is available here, depends upon its importance. We try to include all relevant modules into the list.

This is how it works: select a module in the drop-down menu.

Admin panel: SEO settings

In case you have edited some of the URLs already, the changes will be visible directly in the list as ‘Rewrite’ (see more info on rewriting URLs below):

Admin panel: SEO settings

2.2. Rewriting the URL

Let us take users management for example (/admin/seo/listing/users) >> users view link (/admin/seo/edit/users/view).

Default link looks like this:[id]

The default link is a pattern for all user profile pages.

[id] stands for the user ID on site whose profile we are going to view.


and we get to view this person’s profile:

URLs can be composed of text blocks and variables. Text blocks are displayed as simple text, while variables are enclosed into square brackets [variable_name|default_value].

In our sample default link[id] /[section-code]

we have two variables: [id] which stands for user ID, and [section-code] which stands for the profile section we are currently viewing, as in: or

Typically, the URL manager consists of 3 sections:
 1. Section where the editable URL parts are displayed.
 2. Section where you can add new text blocks.
 3. Section where you can add optional, dynamic parameters.

After you have added a text block or a dynamic block into the URL, you can edit them by clicking on them.

edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script

For some variables you can add default values by typing them after the logical slash, for example [id|1].

For other variables no default values are required because they can be omitted from the URL ([section-code]).

In the case with user ID, if no value is processed by the script – when for some reason a user ID is missing or not available (user with said ID has been deleted from the site) – you will be taken to the profile page of user with ID=1. In other words, default value is used automatically to fill in the space when a necessary parameter is missing from the URL.

Another example:

edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script

When a site user with ID=15 fails to indicate country in his/her profile, the following parameters will be processed by the script: id=15 and country=””.

The generated link will look like this:


1. Every URL should start with the text part.
2. Text parts should not repeat the names of existing modules (for example /users/, /mailbox) to avoid possible links disruption for other modules.
3. Dynamic blocks should take turns with text blocks in order to avoid confusion and appearance of broken links.

Adding a text block:

edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script
edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script

Some URLs do not need any dynamic parameters, example:

This URL can only refer to the account page of every authorized site member. In order to change this link you simply type some text to replace /users/account.

Some URLs require dynamic parameters, for example user profile page that we have discussed above. The link editor will contain pre-set options that you only need to click to edit and indicate the default value if prompted.

There are dynamic blocks that are non-mandatory and only serve the SEO-related purposes. If it is possible to add such an optional dynamic block for the particular link, you will see this:

edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script

Select one of the options from the list, add the default value (or leave it empty) and click ‘Add’:

edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script

Make sure that you separate the two variables [country|empty] and [section-code] with a text block by dragging-and-dropping it between them:

edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script

edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script

Optional blocks can be deleted from the URL. To delete, click on the block area and then click Delete icon

delete button
edit block areas in the SEO settings of the Dating Pro script

When you click on the block area, it switches to the edit mode.

You can edit the fields and press save button

save buttom


delete button

or cancel

cancel button

the changes in case a block cannot be deleted.

Some blocks can change their position in the URL. They are marked with dashed line and you can drag-and-drop them around (with reasonable restrictions, see Tips above).

Blocks that cannot change their position are marked orange. Usually these are the first and the last blocks in the editable part of the URL.

2.3. Editing other parameters of the page

  • Metadata

Title. Title stands for the information that is displayed on top of the browser window. It can be page name or name of the menu item etc.
 – Keywords (meta tag). Insert the words and short phrases here that best describe the contents of the page/website.
 – Description (meta tag). This field contains short description of the page. This is the information that can be displayed in search results page of a search engine.

It is possible to edit metadata in all available site languages.

Unlike the global metadata settings, you can use specific variables for each particular module. The list of available variables is called ‘Available templates’ and is placed just below the URL manager. E.g. variables for the /admin/seo/edit/users/view link:

[nickname|By default]

[first-name|By default]

[second-name|By default]

[type-code|By default]

[type-name|By default]

[looking-code|By default]

[looking-name|By default]

[name|By default]

[location|By default]

[country|By default]

[region|By default]

[region-code|By default]

[city|By default]

[age|By default]

[birth-date|By default]

[registered-date|By default]

[online-status-code|By default]

[online-status-name|By default]

[section-code|By default]

[section-name|By default]

[fname|By default]

[sname|By default]

[user_type|By default]

[output_name|By default]

Every link has its own set of variables, generated by the module. Multiple languages are supported here as well. In case a variable value is not provided, the default value is used [nickname|By default]. You can leave the default value empty as well.

Let’s make the title of the user profile page read:

‘View [first-name]’s profile : [first-name] [second-name]’.

This is what the title will look like if we view Lucy’s profile (/users/view/9/):

< title > View Lucy’s profile : Lucy Atwood < /title>

  • H1 header tag

H1 tag marks the main header of a web page. It is an important information that helps rank your site pages in the search results. Be sure to include relevant keywords into the header.

Multiple languages are supported. You can also use the page variables (available templates) in the H1 tag field.

  • No index

No index setting stands for closing the page from being indexed by search engines. Tags noindex and nofollow will be added to the page. The same can be done using robots.txt file (see below for more info).

  • Open Graph

You can use page variables in og:title, og:type and og:description too.

3. Tracker

Use tracking codes from analytics systems, such as Google Analytics, by filling out the

1. Code Placement

2. and Analytics Code sections.

4. Robots.txt

All the changes will apply to the file in the root folder of your site.

The default entry includes:

User-agent: * – settings for all browsers
Disallow: /admin/ – /admin/ pages are closed from indexing
Disallow: /m/ – mobile version of the site is closed from indexing
Sitemap: – path to the XML site map

5. Sitemap.xml

Generating an XML site map may take some time. The contents will be saved in the file sitemap.xml in the root folder of your site.

The purpose of sitemap.xml is to help search engine crawlers learn about your site pages, their importance and update frequency. Please keep in mind however that it is more of a prompt and not a command for the search engines.

Note that if you already have one such file, it will be rewritten after the new generation process.

If your site contains over 50,000 pages, the site map will be split into several files: sitemap.xml, sitemap2.xml, and so on. In this case a sitemap_index.xml file will be necessary. The system will generate this file automatically and place it into the root folder of your site. When you submit your site to search engines, indicate the path to the sitemap_index.xml file.

For more details check

How to modify SEO titles and other SEO information

The script has flexible interface and allows you to have different SEO titles, description, keywords and etc on different pages.

In order to change the titles, you’ll need:

1. Go to the admin panel -> system -> SEO settings

2. Here you can see two options – Admin mode (for admin panel) and User mode (for User’s index page)

3. Clicking on User mode allows you to freely set up the SEO texts for index page of you site

4. In order to change the SEO texts on other inner pages of the User end, go back to the SEO settings -> Advanced SEO settings -> Modules settings

5. Here you can see a number of modules available on your site in the drop-down menu

6. In order to change all titles, you’ll need to go through all modules you see in this menu.

For example, let’s take the Search page of the user end:

  • Choose “Site users management(users)” module in the drop-down menu

  • Then find search page and click Edit settings

    Here you can change SEO texts for the chosen page, including Title you see in the tab of your browser

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