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System : Mail alerts

How to send email notifications to site users, configure SMTP settings, create email templates, subscriptions and newsletters.

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago

This page explains how to set up mail alerts. Email notifications are an integral part of Dating Pro. They convey important information, drive activity and site visits, and strengthen relationships with users. Notifications are sent to different users independently of each other when an event happens on the site. For example, 'the email has changed', 'a user left you a new message', etc.

Email notifications sent from your site to members are managed in Services > Customize your service > System > Mail alerts (/admin/notifications/index/).

1. SMTP settings

SMTP, short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is used when email is delivered from an email client, such as Outlook Express, to an email server or when email is delivered from one email server to another. SMTP server is responsible for sending your site’s alerts, emails, contact forms, newsletters.
Settings can be found Services > Customize your service > System > Mail alerts > Settings (/admin/notifications/settings/)

Contact your hosting provider for mail protocol used, along with SMTP host, port, etc.

Usually hosting companies use default setting for SMTP – localhost, port 25. If that’s the case, leave this section as it is now. Otherwise, contact your hosting provider to find out which mail protocol is used on your server, along with SMTP host, port, etc, and insert it into corresponding fields.

Send a test email to any email address to test if everything is ok. If you receive the test email, it means that your SMTP server works fine and you are all set!

Send a test email to any email address to test if everything is ok.

2. Alerts

Alerts is the list of messages sent by the system.

You will find all email alerts that can be sent by the system in section Services > Customize your service > System > Mail alerts > Alerts (/admin/notifications/index/):

List of Alert messages sent by the system.
List of Alert messages sent by the system.

There are two Send types:

  • In script - email notification will be sent immediately after action (for example, welcome email just after new user registration)

  • Put it in a queue - email notification will be delayed (lets say, someone added a user to their favorites or admired in LikeMe)

You can edit the name of the alert and its default template here.

You can edit the title of the alert and its default template.

3. Templates

This section is for the mail templates. Templates let you edit the messages in available site languages. HTML and text formats are supported.

Go to Services > Customize your service > System > Mail alerts > Templates (/admin/notifications/templates/) and click Edit button to get to the editor. In the ‘Main’ tab you will see general information:

General information is displayed in ‘Main’ tab of the email template.

Click the language you would like to edit, and the content page will open:

Open the content page of a specific language to edit the email template.

Edit mail subject and content using different variables.

Global variables:

[site_url] – site url
[domain] – your site domain name
[mail_from] – “From” email address as indicated in the ‘Settings’ tab
[name_from] – “From” name as indicated in the ‘Settings’ tab
[current_date] – current date
[current_time] – current time

Available variables can differ from alert to alert:

[password] – user password
[email] – user email address
[fname] – user first name
[sname] – user last name (surname)
[nickname] – user nickname
[confirm_block] – registration confirmation URL
[account] – user account balance
[user_name] – user name from “Contact us” form
[user_email] – user email address from “Contact us” form
[subject] – “Contact us” form subject
[message] – “Contact us” form message
[reason] – reason or department from “Contact us”
[form_date] – date when “Contact us” form is filled in, and so on.

4. Sending queue

Sending queue (/admin/notifications/pool/) shows the progress of messages being sent. If your server does not allow sending many email notifications at once you need to configure Send type to Put it in a queue, as a result you will find them queued here.

Dating Pro provides a free SMTP server for sending emails notifications, with a sending limit of 15 emails/1 hour.

If your mail server has a limit of emails to be sent, email notifications will kept in the Sending queue.

You can use third-party SMTP solutions like Sendinblue:

5. Subscriptions

To send your own newsletter to the site members, you need to:

  • create a new template

  • then go to Mail alerts > Subscriptions

  • and create a new subscription.

In this section (/admin/subscriptions/index/) you can create a mass mailing subscription by:

  • adding Name

  • choosing a Template (you can create your own in the Templates section)

  • Subscription type

  • setting a Scheduler

  • Content type – without content

You can create a mass mailing subscription or newsletter using Dating Pro.

Do not forget to Save the changes.

Once the newsletter has been created, you need to manage subscribers in the Mailing lists.

After that you can start mailing, edit or delete subscription:

You can start sending a newsletter to site users from the admin panel.
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