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Communication : Contact Us
Communication : Contact Us

How can site visitors contact site owner?

Yanar avatar
Written by Yanar
Updated over 9 months ago

Contact form is a convenient communication service that allows site visitors to quickly send messages to site administration. In most cases, contact forms are used to send questions, requests, inquiries and feedback. Using feedback forms is intuitive for users of all ages - to send a message, you only need to fill in a few fields and click on the "Send" button.

Feedback forms are not only effective spam protection, but also a powerful marketing tool that allows you to make the site as convenient as possible for members and visitors and eliminate all possible obstacles to establishing contact with the administration.

Among the popular standard contact forms are the forms “Presales questions”, "Technical support" and many others.

How does Contact form work?

Reasons to have a Contact us form in a website:

  • Spam protection by hiding the end email address of the resource owner;

  • Growth in the number of new customers due to the ability to easily establish initial contact;

  • Increase members' loyalty due to a larger number of visitors who entered into a dialogue and got answers;

  • More successful promotion of the site due to the maximum simplicity and ease of use;

  • Quick response to changing customer needs by constantly obtaining up-to-date information through contact forms.

To sort the questions, you can create different tickets and have notifications sent to different emails. For example, all payment tickets can be referred to, while technical questions can be forwarded to

We call these topics Contact us reasons. The reasons can be added under:

  • Services > Communication > Contact us reasons (/admin/tickets) for Pro and Advanced packages;

  • Services > Customize your service > Systems > Contact us (/admin/contact_us) for Start package.

You can assign individual email addresses to each contact reason.

Create different tickets for contact form and have notifications sent to different emails

Settings tab contains the default email. Contact us forms are sent to this email if no other email addresses have been assigned to contact reasons.

Specify the general email for Contact us form in the admin panel's settings

Site guests and users will find Contact us form in the footer of the website. The requests are sent directly to the mailbox you pointed in the settings.

Tickets - difference from Contact Us

For Oasis and earlier versions, Tickets module is included into Pro and Advanced packages*. In this case, site administrator can contact authorized users directly using the tickets system.

In the messages section click on Contact user, start typing the name of the recipient, select his/her name from the list and send a message to the user.

Contact site member through Tickets system

New alerts icon displays a number of notifications for site users, once the user enters the site, s/he will see a notification about the message from administrator.

*The module has been added again in June 2024 to the Dating Pro Passion build.

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