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Customers - Learn how to manage web app users
Customers - Learn how to manage web app users
Yanar avatar
Written by Yanar
Updated over 10 months ago

Deactivating or blocking a user will deny them access to the site. Other site members will not find them in search.

Unconfirmed users are those who have not confirmed the email address they used during registration.

When you delete a user, you can also delete objects associated with this user (comments, uploads, messages). = если есть точная страница на help то на help

Users management

Users management section provides an opportunity to manage site members.

There can be 3 user statuses in a dating site built with Dating Pro.

All three are managed via database table [db_prefix]users:

  • [db_prefix]users: confirm

  • [db_prefix]users: approved

  • [db_prefix]users: activity

Administrator is able to deactivate (block) users, edit their profiles, delete or contact user directly (if Tickets add-on is installed), as well as add money and membership.

1. Filters

You can sort users by user type, email, first name, last name, username, latest activity dates.

2. Creating a new user

Click “Add user” to create a new profile.

Fill in the fields in the admin panel of the site, which the user fills in when registering:

  • I'm / Looking for

  • Specify Partner age

  • Contact Email and Phone

  • Your Username and Password

  • Also First name and Last name

  • Upload your profile picture in the system

  • Birth date

  • Your Location

3. Adding funds

There are two ways to adding a certain amount of funds to a user's virtual account:

  • Select a user, click “Add money”.

  • Open drop-down menu, and click “Add money”.

4. Confirmation

Unconfirmed users are those who have not clicked the confirmation link that was sent to their registration email address. This is where the site administrator can activate this feature: Customers > Settings (/admin/users/settings):

This is the form where new members will be able to type the confirmation code (page /users/confirm).

Alternatively, they can click the link that they will find in an email and that contains the same code.

5. Approval

Site users can either be approved by the site admin, or pay for it (as in paid sign up). It means that users who are not yet approved have either not been approved by site administrator, or have not paid for being approved, or have been deactivated (blocked) by site admin from the administration panel (/admin/users/index/)

This is where you can activate manual approval or a paid service: Users > Settings > Confirm users:

Services > Customize your service > Orders > Services > Administrator approval is where you can set the price and activate the service for the paid service.

5.1. Site users who have been blocked by admin, or who have not yet been manually approved by admin:

  • will not be able to sign in,

  • other site members will not find them in search.

This is the message they will be shown: “Your profile is waiting for administrator approval”.

5.2. If admin approval is a paid service, a new user will sign up, get to page /services/form/admin_approve and will be asked to pay to activate their profile:

The service can be renamed under Payments > Services > Edit service (/admin/services/edit/3).

The new user will not be able to get anywhere except this page or ‘add funds to internal account’ page until s/he makes the payment.

6. Activity

Site users can be inactive in search when:

  • they have not yet paid for the service called ‘make profile active in search’ (provided that it is enabled by the site admin), or

  • they have not indicated some necessary information about themselves in their profiles (location, profile photo).

6.1. You can enable ‘activity in search’ service under Services > Customize your service > Orders > Services > Activity in search.

6.2. This is the default list of required fields from a user to display his/her profile in search results:

  • Region

  • Country

  • Profile photo

In case profile pics are moderated, user will be expected to wait for their profile photo to be approved by admin or moderator. This is where you can manage moderation settings: More matches > Moderation > Moderation settings > User images (/admin/moderation/settings/).

User completes his/her profile first, and afterwards is prompted to use the paid service, in case it is activated on the site.

Inactive users do not take part in search: other users cannot find them through the search form, although their profiles may be accessible by direct link.

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