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Orders : Services

Additional paid services — dating website earning you even more revenue

Yanar avatar
Written by Yanar
Updated over a week ago


Paid services is a way to charge your site users and earn money with your dating site.

The following paid services are available in the Dating Pro script at the moment. We plan to continuously expand the list, and you are welcome to send us your comments and new ideas.

Access your administration panel and go to Services > Customize your service > Orders > Services (/admin/services/index/):

Additional dating website monetization tools

If you want your site to be free of charge, simply deactivate the services in this section. Alternatively, you can keep active only the services that you need.

Click ‘Edit service’ to give it your own name, description, price and activity period.

Set up the website paid services' payment type, price, and activity period

Payment type selector indicates the preferred payment method. You can either let your site members pay for the service from their internal account on the site, or by making direct payments with PayPal and any other active payment gateway, or both:

Paid registration

‘Administrator approval’ service actually stands for paid registration. A new site member will not be able to get anywhere on the site until he/she makes the payment. In section Services > Customize your service > Orders > Services > Administrator approval you can manage the cost of the service.

To switch the service on, go to Customers > Settings (/admin/users/settings) and select ‘Paid service’ option under ‘Approve users’:

Administrator approval of newly registered users is also a monetization tool.

This is how it will look like from the User mode:

This is a short video introduction:

Activity in search

If you make activity in search a paid service, your site members will not be able to visit profiles of other members until they pay.

Featured users

Featured users are displayed on top of every site page in a carousel/slider. It is a great way for someone to attract attention to their profile. You can charge a fee to let people appear in the carousel or make it a free service.

Let users attract attention to their profiles by activating Featured users service.

Highlight profile in search

Once activated, this paid option will add a contrasting border around the person's photo in the search results to make them stand out from the crowd.

Lift profile up in search

People who have paid for this service will have their profile appear on top of relevant search results thus increasing their chances of attracting attention.

Stealth mode

With the stealth mode on, nobody will find the person in search, nor will see them in the list of profile guests.

Check out the Marketplace to find out additional earning tools to get revenue from a dating website.

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