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Orders : Billing systems

How to integrate payment gateways with a dating website?

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over 12 months ago

How many payment gateways can be connected to my dating site?

In this article, you will find out how to monetize dating site with iDate Award Winner—Dating Pro script. Billing systems are payment gateways that you can activate to accept payments from your dating website members.

Payments section helps you manage all the payments:

Passion: /admin/payments/systems

Oasis are earlier versions: /admin/payments/index/

The following 11 payment gateways are pre-integrated (their quantity is associated with their license type), so you only need to activate them with your merchant details: CCBill, 2Checkout,, Fortumo, PayPal, Paygol, Pencepay, Robokassa, Skrill, Stripe, Webmoney. There is also a way to accept payments offline (wire transfer, cash, etc).

Payment systems

How many payment systems are available in your site depends upon the license package. ​

Billing system activation

To activate any system you should first create a merchant account with them.

  • For Passion version, go to Services > Customize your service > Orders > Billing management (/admin/payments/systems/)

  • For Oasis and earlier versions go to Payments > Billing systems (/admin/payments/systems/)

  • Insert the required activation info like email and password; seller ID; login:

Screenshot of the 2Checkout set up in the admin panel.

If the payment system is not listed on the page, check Install tab:

  • Passion version: admin/payments/install

  • Oasis and earlier versions: /admin/payments/install to see if the system needs to be installed first.

To do that, just click the button.

  • Passion version:

  • Oasis and earlier versions:

Offline payments

You can accept offline payments by cheque, money order, bank transfer, or instant money transfers like Western Union and the like.

Offline payment

To let your site members know how they should send you money, go to edit offline payment page (/admin/payments/system_edit/offline) and in the ‘Details’ field insert all the required info, for example your bank account details or an address for instant transfer.

The feature supports all site languages, which means that you can post unique messages for every language on the site, and, accept bank transfers in English-speaking countries, Western Union transfers in Spanish-speaking countries, and so on.

Offline payment displays your bank's account information.

This is what your site members will see:

This is how offline payment is displayed in user mode.

After the site member submits information about the payment, you as site administrator will be able to view it in section Services > Customize your service > Orders > Orders (/admin/payments/paymentsList/).

This is the list of all incoming payments: approved, declined and awaiting approval.

All offline payment requests appear here for you to confirm or decline.

After you receive the money and approve the transaction manually, the money will be added to the site member’s internal account, or a service/membership will be paid for.

Why is a payment not auto approved?

There are situations when payments are not auto approved. The administrator doesn't need to approve the payments manually.

If the payment is waiting for the admin's approval, the administrator needs to investigate more and check the billing account.

In most cases, site users just close the payment window without finishing the payment.

Please see video:

The payment was not finished, and the window was closed without entering credit card information.

The admin panel shows only the intent to pay.

Note 1. If you are interested in adding any other billing system to your site, our Customization team will gladly help.

Note 2. Please make sure that the payment system that you want to make active on your dating site allows payments for high-risk industries that online dating may belong to.

Note 3. Visit Marketplace to discover additional billing integration solutions.

Note 4. Read comparative information of different payment systems.

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