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Analytics. How it work
Analytics. How it work

Useful videos and instructions on how to set up reports and use analytics in a dating apps and site

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Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago

What Is a Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

The term balanced scorecard (BSC) refers to a strategic management performance metric used to identify and improve various internal business functions and their resulting external outcomes. Used to measure and provide feedback to organizations, balanced scorecards are common among companies in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Europe. Data collection is crucial to providing quantitative results as managers and executives gather and interpret the information. Company personnel can use this information to make better decisions for the future of their organizations.

Example of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

You can find the Soul Companion dating service Balanced Scorecard here

Characteristics of the Balanced Scorecard Model (BSC)

Information is collected and analyzed from four aspects of a business:

  1. Learning and growth are analyzed through the investigation of training and knowledge resources. This first leg handles how well information is captured and how effectively employees use that information to convert it to a competitive advantage within the industry.

  2. Business processes are evaluated by investigating how well products are manufactured. Operational management is analyzed to track any gaps, delays, bottlenecks, shortages, or waste.

  3. Customer perspectives are collected to gauge customer satisfaction with the quality, price, and availability of products or services. Customers provide feedback about their satisfaction with current products.

  4. Financial data, such as sales, expenditures, and income are used to understand financial performance. These financial metrics may include dollar amounts, financial ratios, budget variances, or income targets.

The balanced scorecard (BSC)

These four legs encompass the vision and strategy of an organization and require active management to analyze the data collected.

Architecture and KPI trees in analytics

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Tools from Google for building app infrastructure, improving app quality, and growing your business

Use username ( and password (demoadmin1) to log in to the Firebase analytics.

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