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System : News

How to use RSS feeds to boost users engagement

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago

Keep your site members informed with the latest News in the corresponding section of the website. By default, the link is located in the site footer menu.

You can manage News, create articles, and add RSS Feeds to grab news from other resources in the admin panel (/admin/news/index/).

RSS (Rich Site Summary) has an XML format designed to describe news feeds, article announcements, blog updates, etc. Information from various sources presented in the RSS format can be collected, processed and presented to a user in a convenient form in the News section.

Services > Customize your service > System > News:

News tab shows all site news for all language interfaces. You can enable, disable, edit or remove news.

To add news manually, click ‘Add news article’, enter subject, keyword, annotation, content, attach photos and videos and click ‘Save’. You can post different articles for all site languages.

Add news article, attach photos and videos.

You can edit news and add individual SEO tags to each news article, as well as URL:

Edit news and add individual SEO tags to each news article.

RSS feeds

Feeds tab shows the news feed links that you added. You can enable or disable a feed, and import aggregated news with RSS.

Manage RSS feeds from the admin panel.

Click ‘Add feed’, insert feed link, max number of imported news articles and select the language version.

Please note that the XML format of the feed is required by default, although you can have our custom development team collect news from your favorite source in any format.

Adding new RSS feed: specify the link and number of imported news.

News will be added by cronjob in the set period of time.

Settings tab is about some numerics and the RSS channel management:

News settings, number of news per page, RSS description, logo and title.

Note: you can create and send a news digest to site members.

List of the most popular RSS feeds and podcasts.

The best World News rss feed list curated from thousands of rss feeds on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers, domain authority & freshness:

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