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System : Countries

Manage site locations: countries, regions and cities

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated over a week ago

Let your site members select their location by adding locations to your site manually or by using a ready database to install countries.

Locations settings are available in administrator panel > Services > Customize your service > System > Countries (/admin/countries/index):

Click ‘Add country’ to create a new country in case it is missed in the default list of countries.

Manage Locations in the administrator panel, if you want the website target multiple regions,

Go to ‘Install’ tab to view the list of countries that can be activated (installed) on your website:

To view the list of countries that can be activated (installed) on your website, visit Install tab.

Countries are sorted by names in alphabetical order here. Go to ‘Install’ tab to get to the list of regions. You have an opportunity to select the only several regions that you need, it can be of great use if you are targeting just one or two locations.

Select several regions, if you are targeting just one or two locations.

Click ‘Install selected’, and installation will begin:

Do not close installation window until it finishes to 100%.

To edit a country name and translate it into other site languages, click ‘Edit country’ next to its name in the list.

You can edit a country name and translate it into other site languages.

The same rule applies to regions and cities.

City editor allows you to indicate latitude and longitude, which can be of use for displaying a member’s location on a map:

You can indicate latitude and longitude in the City editor to display a member’s location on an interactive map.

The Sorting mode will let you decide which of the countries to show on top of the location lists. Click ‘Sorting mode’, then use arrows to add or remove countries from the list. Click ‘View mode’ to get back to the regular view.

The Sorting mode will let you decide which of the countries to show on top of the location lists

The Sorting mode will let you decide which of the countries to show on top of the location lists
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