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System : Modules management
Yanar avatar
Written by Yanar
Updated over 3 months ago

System : Modules management

Modules management section (Services > Customize your service > System > Modules management, /admin/start/mod_login/) will let you enable and disable add-ons, manage site updates, and more.

Access to this section is password protected for security reasons.

You can find and edit the access information in file /application/config/install.php on the server, lines 4 and 5:

$config[“install_login”] = “login”;
 $config[“install_password”] = “password”;

Describes the structure and configuration of modules.

Key Components:




Contains the module’s configuration settings.


Defines access levels for controller methods.


Stores module-specific settings.


SQL script for installing the database schema.


SQL script for removing the database schema.


Multilingual data used by the module.


Module templates.

Additional Components:

  • linked_modules: Specifies dependent modules for installation.

  • libraries: Lists required libraries for the module.

1. Modules 

Once inside, you get to view the list of Installed modules (/admin/install/modules):

You can view the module info (version, files list, superior and dependent modules), and you can delete/uninstall the module.

Please note that a module can only be deleted if it does not have dependent modules.

Once the module is deleted, you can find it in the Enable modules section (/admin/install/enable_modules). It means that you can uninstall a module and install it again without limits, as long as the modules files are stored on your site server.

Please note that every new installation deletes user-generated information and demo content is installed instead.

2. Updates

Enable updates (/admin/install/updates) is for module updates.

In section Enable product updates (/admin/install/product_updates) you will be able to run an updater script to update the script from version to version, e.g. Genie to Honey.

3. Libraries

Installed libraries (/admin/install/libraries) gives you the list of libraries that are used by the system.

Enable libraries (/admin/install/enable_libraries), similarly to Enable modules, lets you activate new libraries. Please note that programming skills will be necessary to handle it properly.

4. Languages

In section Languages (/admin/install/langs) you can install and uninstall site language versions, update and export language files.

Update is necessary after you’ve edited the language files, to apply the changes throughout the site.

Export feature will create a ZIP archive that you will be able to save on your local computer or forward to a translator to do the editing/translations.

5. Panel settings

This section (/admin/install/installer_settings) contains FTP information that you or your support manager have indicated during installation.

It also lets you restrict access to your website by IP address(es). It can be useful for the development stage or for when you are not ready to go live for some reason.

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