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System : Referral links
Yanar avatar
Written by Yanar
Updated over a week ago

System : Referral links

Referral links, or Friends inviter, lets site members earn bonuses by inviting friends to join the site.

This is how it works: a person clicks ‘Invite a friend’ button on his/her profile page and types a friend’s email address in the window that pops up.

An email is sent directly to this address. You as site admin can edit the text of the email from the administration panel. In the module settings you can also set up the bonus amount that will be added to the inviter’s internal account, in the site currency.

The email contains the link to registration page of your site that hints to the sender, so that the system knows who to assign the bonus to.

After the friend who’s been invited joins the site, the sender receives the bonus to his/her account on the site.

In section Services > Customize your service > System > Referral links (/admin/referral_links/index/) you can enable/disable the feature and determine the bonus that the inviter will receive, in the site currency.

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