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Dating Pro as a co-founder and partner in your projects, serving as a CTO or Product Manager alongside the project team
Dating Pro as a co-founder and partner in your projects, serving as a CTO or Product Manager alongside the project team

Raising investments: Product Discovery - Market share estimation. Testing target audience. User interviews. Investors have been found.

Andrew avatar
Written by Andrew
Updated this week

Services are provided upon request by clients who have purchased Dating Pro plans.

With the Co-Partner package from Dating Pro, our team assists you in achieving your metrics (visits, registrations, engagement, sales stages, cost reduction) profitability.

Without it, we sell Dating Pro software and execute your platform-related tasks, as it operates under a "client-executor" scheme.

Revenue share. Pre-Seed. A-Stage. Dating Pro as a co-founder

Are you an entrepreneur?

Do you need a CTO partner to launch a dating-related startup? Whether you want to invest your own money or that of investors, create a product, and reach round A or B, gradually selling part of your stake, the Dating Pro team can be your CTO.

We are interested in reaching with you:

- seed investments, round A

- Simply earning through revenue-sharing partnerships.

Boost your investments. Create a profitable business with a strong team. Scale quickly. Seize the moment.

How are shares distributed? 

Shares are created at the very beginning. A typical successful business takes 10 years to build because we want cash earlier, and dividends in the first two years are challenging. How to divide the shares:
25% for the founder and the idea.
25% for the CTO team and others, excluding the founder. *Dating Pro participates here.
25% for resources: money, brand, etc.
25% for growth: distributing more options, changing co-founders, etc.

Our level of participation in partnership with you:

  1. Minimum: Customer Success Manager

  2. Average: a small part-time team

  3. Maximum: a dedicated team for the project. Or the sale of the entire company with its intellectual property and team.

We offer:

  • 10-30% discounts for our product development services. The discount applies to everything and cannot be combined with other discounts: licenses, add-ons, customizations, hosting.

  • Our expertise.

We propose working in sprints. We have tools for prioritizing hypotheses, Kanban boards, and experience with unit economics, cashflow, and metric trees.

Save $200K-$500k on launch by purchasing the ready-made Dating Pro platform. And accelerate with us as an expert team.

Work plan stages from startup to IPO:

1. Idea and prototype:

• (You or with Dating Pro) Idea formation, market research. We can conduct it, exploring market size, competitors, advantages, and trends.

• (You or with Dating Pro) Product prototype development. Create with Dating Pro with a revenue share of 10-30%.

• (With Dating Pro) Finding and attracting initial investments.

2. Seed investments:

• (With Dating Pro) Idea testing and validation.

• (With Dating Pro) MVP refinement (minimum viable product).

• (With Dating Pro) Team building and functionality expansion.

• Attract investments with us faster because we have a conveyor.* The founder will pitch.

*We'll help you prepare the pitch deck and send it to our group of investors - there are two ways to make a successful startup: it's either bootstrap it, when you pay for the ads, development and etc from your own pocket. Or you can find a business angel or an investor that would cover up to 100% of your expenses. Our pool of investors includes people that already invested in different dating apps and sites, including Happn, CarpeDM, Teamo, Blued and etc.

3. The likelihood of our involvement is low as you will receive initial funding (Seed investment) to adapt the product to the chosen business model with a new team. Nevertheless, we are open to the possibility of collaboration and are willing to participate in this process.

3.1 Round A or company sale:

• Business growth and scaling.

• Attracting major investments.

• Market share capture and position strengthening.

3.2 Round B:

• Further development and expansion.

• Entry into new markets and expanding the customer base.

• Increasing brand recognition.

3.3. Pre-IPO:

• IPO preparation (initial public offering).

• Company audit and financial reporting.

• Attracting underwriters and lawyers.

3.4. IPO:

• Company stock listing on the stock exchange.

• Attracting capital for further development.

• Increasing liquidity and company value.

Questions and answers

  • What documents should we finalize?

    • Any that you need. We suggest managing this partnership on a gentleman's agreement and a virtual handshake, as it's cheaper and faster for both sides.

  • The process from startup to IPO can take from 5 to 10 years.

    • Not all startups reach the IPO stage. Each stage has its own risks and challenges.​

  • Do you have successful cases?

    • No. We are working on it.​

  • NDA

    • We will sign an NDA for the project.

    • we will not sign an nda for features without revenue share.

    • Data for the NDA - Address:

      Armenak Armenyakyan street 121/7
      Yerevan armenia
      zip 0047

      yanar @



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